What is Menstruation?
Don’t think I am crazy!
It’s a simple question. But I guess answering it has never been that easy.
I knew it!

In simple medical terms,
‘Menstruation is a natural part of the reproductive cycle in which blood from
the uterus exits through the vagina’.
Living in 21st
century and believing the spiritual teachings, spreading these days like fire,
I supposed it was okay to be not ashamed of your body; whichever part one may
be referring to. After all, as per many religious and spiritual leaders our
body is a sacred temple.
My myth was broken soon
after I entered puberty. Restrictions followed me like a ghost every month for
the four untouchable days. Staying aloof, no entry in the kitchen area, not
touching the idols, even worse, not being able to be a part of any family
worship rituals; soon became a routine. As if I get cursed every month for a
specific number of days and suddenly I am purified later. No reasoning..No
explanations! I rebelled to the heights of orthodox thinking...but to no use!
My words fell on deaf ears who had stuffed them with the cotton of blindly
followed religious values.
I guess that’s the routine
of 99% of girls and women around the globe.
Generations after
generations; era after era; rituals were passed on as legacy. Blindfolded people
followed them and the end product was the birth of superstitions.
If I may ask, how many of
us questioned our mothers about the norms that we followed during our periods?
Including me, none I
guess! We were either shy to ask or feared the outcome. But it never ceased my
curiosity as to why talking about it was considered a taboo.
Now nearly 40, I started
to research on the topic; much out of curiosity and a little out of
frustration. Living life on my terms has simplified my monthly torture…:-)...
Also, I have a daughter, and kids grow at a much faster rate than our
imagination. I don’t want her to suffer because of some irrational belief
system that our great grand mothers have been passing on. I would like to pass
on correct and logical information to her on the subject.
Most of the knowledge came
through Time travelling..:-).. Virtually! Putting internet to good use!
Apart from a few
embarrassing rituals I had been through during puberty, I found a list of
ongoing practices in different cultures. To name a few,
Not attending religious functions, visiting the
temple and not touching menstruating women; Avoiding cooking and eating with
others during menstruation; Avoiding sex during menstruation; Avoid swimming or
washing the hair during menstruation; Avoid eating certain types of food during
menstruation; Believing that menstrual blood is impure; Taking time off during
menstruation; Restricting menstruating women to seclusion huts.
After probing further into the reasoning of these
practices I found some logical explanations. After all, our ancestors were not
fools like us to believe anything because someone had told them so. Everything
is energy and vibrations. And the older scriptures decoded so far have proved
that most of the knowledge they gathered was scientifically based. Glad to know
that this planet was also inhabited by some no nonsense people.
So here we go...
Ayurveda is a science of life and a natural healing
system with a deep understanding of human body; it dates back to be as old as
7000 years. It is based on the principles of three primary life forces in the
body, called the three doshas. Doshas are the bio-energies that make up
every individual, and help in performing different physiological functions in
the body. The three types of Doshas are Vata, Pitta and Kapha, which
correspond to the elements of air, fire and water respectively. Each dosha has
a primary function in the body. Vata (element-air) is the moving force
responsible for communication, perception and cognition; Pitta (element-fire)
is the force of assimilation and is responsible for metabolism; and Kapha (element-water) is the force of stability.
According to Ayurveda,
menstruation is closely linked to the functions of the doshas. Menstruation is regarded in Ayurveda
as a special opportunity enjoyed by women for monthly cleansing of excess doshas;
it is this monthly cleansing that accounts for female longetivity as the blood
gets purified each month adjusting for any imbalances.
There are precise reasons for
every act or practice that women go through during periods. They were secluded
so that men could respect their need for space during the times their body was
going through hormonal and emotional energy up rise. That was the time the
women needed to go within to balance their energies rather than spend time
doing outer chores. Menstruation blood is supposed to be very powerful. In some
traditions the need to not let a menstruating woman enter the temple or touch
the idols was that they were so pure during those days that they were seen as a
walking Goddess. It was believed that the energy of the murthi or the idol
goddess will move over to her (menstruating woman) while the murthi becomes
Food intake during periods has
also been a topic of constant argument.
Diet is important during these days. Emphasis should be on
taking more yin (feminine) foods, and fewer yang items. So, more rice, less
wheat, more yogurt/buttermilk, less milk, more melons and broccoli. Preferably
light and warm meals should be eaten during periods. Ancient practices came from an understanding
of the influence of food on menstruating women and were created with the
intention of helping relieve menstrual discomfort through the right diet.
Knowing, it is a subject in itself, I have touched only the
essential parts of the topic in this article; the ones that I personally felt
girls and women in today’s time have to deal with every month. But as
much you dig further in the history of the topic, one will find some logical
reasoning to why the practices came into existence.
these practices began to be followed blindly. And in no time it deteriorated
women’s condition across all cultures and traditions.
girls and women are still subjected to daily life restrictions; are excluded
from many socio-cultural life events as they are considered impure. Such taboo
on women’s life not only affects their emotional state but also disturbs their
mental and physical health.
I look around and see people still following such practices, I fail to
understand the fact, how can one live all their life imprisoned in the chains
of superstitions.
so much awareness on the subject, there is still a need to literate the women
of the house to put an end to other girls and women suffering. The male members
of the family should also be taught to respect the space of menstruating women
and not look down upon them to make them feel ashamed or embarrassed of a
biological occurrence in their body.
but not the least, it should be a personal choice of the menstruating woman to
follow any such practices and not an imposed restriction.
Happy Awakening!
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