Friday, 21 April 2017

Love Lane: Been There, Done That!

Love always enters our life silently. Sometimes, it is love at first sight; at others it’s an array of confusing thoughts. For some love is an instant connection between two hearts and souls, where in, for others it can be a slow and steady path to tread.

For some it is felt more than touched. For some love is caressing. Sometimes simply smiling at a stranger gestures love…a form of love without any reason and attachment; yet at other times, being a reason for someone’s smile is love.

However we define Love, it does seem to rule and shape our life! And we all need a bit of love every now ‘n’ then.

We love to be hugged. We love to be complimented. We love to be appreciated. Occasionally, we also love to be pampered. Sporadically we love to be loved without any reasons. And the times we deserve it the least, we long to be held close to our beloved and hugged with love. On special days, like birthdays, anniversaries and festivities expectation of love, by default, doubles its need. The list is endless!

Love is welcomed in life to flow with ease when one is not in a committed relationship!

So, what is it with married or committed couples across the globe that changes the plan of love? The fact is that the map of love remains the same; it is ones perception that changes.

Two people are two different individuals till the time they are not committed to each other. Then comes the day of vows and promises…till death do us part!

Dysfunction is that people take the vows literally. They start piling upon the other for all their needs. Sometimes, without even realizing, people start taking each other for granted; then follows nagging and arguments. Life is now set on an automated loop – nag, argue, fight, patch up.

At other times, when conversations cease to exist between couples, either or both retrieve to their shells.

Love is still present between them but nicely kept and deeply hidden in the darkest corner in their hearts. People distance themselves from the one person they fought with the entire world, to be with. They stand opposite each other not realizing that the gap between them is merely an illusion. 

There are always two sides to a story. One is ‘I Love You’ and the other says ‘You Love Me’. Idealization of both the stories is distinct from the realism people live in. No sooner than we realize comes a time when the pressure of day to day life over powers the idea of love. Communication becomes texting; sex becomes a daily errand and people become zombies; walking dead without feelings.

The point here is that: Situations don’t change People; People change Situations. Only if…They want to!

In spite of everything couples do for each other they will still have difference of opinions, for everyone see’s the world through their eyes and walk the course from their own experiences.

Important is to keep the spark of love alive.

Leaving on this note to ponder:

In your life, is it ‘Love Actually’ or is it ‘Love Casually’!

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